ADDENDUM 4: Section 2: B Rules
Keep Calm &Baseball On (KC&BO) Baseball Tournament Rules Covering
The Wilson AAYBA Texas World Series & The Texas Rattler Invitational,
Wood Bat Costume Classic & Toy Drive Tournaments &
All Tournaments Hosted by KC&BO
Section One:
Rules Pertaining Specifically to the 7U & 8U Divisions
1. KC&BO uses National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS) Baseball Rules with certain FMYSA/AAYBA exceptions as noted in this document.
2. Pitching & Base Distances. 7U/8U use 40' pitching and 60' bases.
3. Game Times & Innings. Games will consist of 6 innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes (whichever comes first). If a game is tied at the end of 6 innings and time remains, additional innings will be played until time expires. If time has expired, and the home team is batting, the game is ended if the home team is ahead or as soon as the home team takes the lead.
4. Roster Size, Coaches, and Game Play Parameters. Teams will consist of no more than 20 players. There will be a Head Coach and a maximum of 3 assistant coaches (Max Allowed is 4 Coaches). All teams must bat the roster, with free substitution. The batting order never changes. A team can begin a game with 8 or more players. If you are playing with 8 or 9 players, when the 9th and 10th batting spots come up and there is not a player in that spot, and automatic out will be charged. Any player that arrives after the game begins will be added to the bottom of the batting order. If at any time the lineup falls below 8, either by ejection, injury or illness, the game results in a forfeit. If a player is ejected, then each subsequent scheduled plate appearance by the ejected player results in an out. If a player is lost due to injury or illness, during the game, then the lineup is compressed without an out being recorded (no penalty). When Batting the Roster there is free defensive substitution.
5. The Pitching Coach. The pitching coach must either straddle the rubber or stand on the rubber. The pitching coach shall not verbally or physically coach at any time while in the pitching position. If the pitching coach violates this rule the Head Coach will be warned. The second violation, the pitching coach will be removed. If no coach is left to pitch, that team will forfeit the game. The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit. If the pitching coach intentionally obstructs a play, obstruction will be called, and the pitching coach shall be ejected. If no coach is left to pitch, that team will forfeit the game. If the pitching coach gets hit with a batted ball, the ball becomes dead and a no-pitch is declared.
6. If any coach is hit with a thrown ball unintentionally, the ball is dead, and runners cannot advance. If in the umpire's judgment, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid a thrown ball, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance (baserunners would be returned to their last legally occupied base).
7. Defensive Player Positions. When a team is on defense, they will play with 10 players in the field. Four outfielders (they must be in the outfield grass). There will be four infielders (they must stay behind a 30-foot arc until the ball is hit). There will be a catcher who must be in a catching position in the catcher's box. If in the umpire's judgment the catcher does not stay in a catching position, he and the Head Coach will be warned. The second time this happens the Head Coach will be ejected from the game. If a new catcher comes into the game, they will be given a warning first, ejection on the second occurrence. There will be a player pitcher (they must stay in the pitching circle until the ball is hit - the pitching circle is defined as being with 3 feet of the rubber to either side). If there is a violation of this rule, play continues and after the end of the play, the batting team has the option of keeping the play or taking a no pitch.
8. Infield Fly. There is no infield fly rule.
9. Bunting. Bunting is not allowed.
10. The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes. However, the at bat may not end on a foul ball. Example, if the 6th pitch is fouled, then a 7th pitch is awarded, otherwise known as continuation of the at bat. An at bat will not end on a foul ball.
11. Intentional Walks. There are no intentional walks.
12. Lead-offs and Stealing Base. Runners cannot lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out if they leave the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate. If one runner or more leaves the base early, then a dead ball and a no-pitch is called, and the runner is called out. If more than one player leaves early, the lead runner is called out.
13. Courtesy Runners. A courtesy runner for the catcher of record in the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base, or the last scheduled batter.
14. Max Runs Per Inning and Run Rule.
· Max Runs Per Inning = 7.
· Pool Play: No mathematical eliminations mid-inning, once an inning starts it must be completed for seeding purposes.
· Bracket Play: Mathematical eliminations allowed.
15. Umpires shall call time after every play and declare the ball dead. Time shall be called as soon as the lead runner is not attempting to advance.
16. Defensive coaches shall not be allowed on the field of play along the foul lines (i.e., no outfield coaches) and shall coach from the dugout, or area immediately in front of the dugout as long as NOT to interfere with the offensive teams’ base coaches or live play.Umpire can restrict to 2 field coaches and 2 dugout coaches as needed.
17. Offensive coaches will be allowed at 1st and 3rd base only. All other coaches remain in the dugout, or in the area immediately in front of the dugout as long as NOT to interfere with defensive teams’ ability to make plays. Umpire can restrict to 2 field coaches and 2 dugout coaches as needed.
18. Bat Exclusion: the Easton 'Stealth' Model # BCNCP1 is prohibited from use as some of these bats have contained a manufacturer's warning stating, "Not for Use with Real Baseballs." NOTE: All bats must be designated for use with regulation baseballs.
19. Bat Rule: 7U to 13U: All bats must be stamped BPF 1.15. Bats must be a baseball bat (for use with regulation baseballs). No restriction on weight or length as long as bat has "BPF 1.15" stamp. Penalty: The batter is declared out; runners may not advance on a batted ball; the bat is ejected from the game; and further use of any illegal bat by any player on this team will require ejection of the bat, player(s); and Head Coach/Manager.
Keep Calm &Baseball On (KC&BO) Baseball Tournament Rules Covering
The Wilson AAYBA Texas World Series & The Texas Rattler Invitational,
Wood Bat Costume Classic & Toy Drive Tournaments &
All Tournaments Hosted by KC&BO
Section Two:
Rules Pertaining Specifically to the 9U - HS Divisions
1. KC&BO uses National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS) Baseball Rules with certain AAYBA exceptions as noted in this document.
7U, 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U & HS. (Rules specific to 7U & 8U have been called out in Section One)
3. AGE CUT-OFF (Age based with grade exceptions)
· 7U Division - Players who turn 8 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 1st grade. Also, any player who turns 9 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 7U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 8U Division - Players who turns 9 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 2nd grade. Also, any player who turns 10 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 8U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 9U Division -Players who turn 10 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 3rd grade. Also, any player who turns 11 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 9U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 10U Division -Players who turn 11 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 4th grade. Also, any player who turns 12 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 10U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 11U Division -Players who turn 12 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 5th grade. Also, any player who turns 13 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 11U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 12U Division -Players who turn 13 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 6th grade. Also, any player who turns 14 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 12U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 13U Division - Players who turn 14 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 7th grade. Also, any player who turns 15 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 13U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
· 14U Division - Players who turn 15 prior to May 1st of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 8th grade. Also, any player who turns 16 prior to August 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 14U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
4. PITCHING & BASE DISTANCES. GAME LENGTH BY INNINGS & TIME. BY AGE DIVISION OF PLAY. Note: There are time limits on every game, including all Championship games.
Pitching & Base Distances
Game Length Innings & Time
7U & 8U
40' Pitching, 60' Bases
6 innings, 1 hour 15 minutes
9U & 10U
46' Pitching, 65' Bases
6 innings, 1 hour 30 minutes
11U & 12U
50' Pitching, 70' Bases
6 innings, 1 hour 40 minutes
54' Pitching, 80' Bases
7 innings, 1 hour 45 minutes
60.6" Pitching, 90' Bases
7 innings, 1 hour 45 minutes
If at any time a protest fee of $100 CASH is put up to check a player's eligibility, the Head Coach / Team Manager from that player's team must immediately provide that player's original birth certificate for the Tournament Director or UIC. If it cannot be provided, regardless if he is on the roster/waiver, that player will be declared ineligible for the rest of the tournament and the game will be forfeited. If a Team Manager or any coach knowingly violates the rules, that team will be asked to leave the tournament and forfeit all money that has been paid. If a birth certificate is provided, the player will be checked against the certified roster/waiver(s), and if it is determined that the player is eligible, the $100 protest fee will be forfeited. If the player is determined to be ineligible, the protest fee will be refunded.
Protests are allowed only on RULES ONLY and not on judgment calls. Protests must be made before the next pitch or play is made. Failure to lodge the protest at the time of questioned play and after a pitch or play is made will disallow the protest. All valid protests will be resolved immediately by Tournament Director or UIC. Only Team Managers or the Head Coach can issue a protest. To protest, a protest fee of $100 CASH must be submitted to the plate umpire and the rule stated to define what is being protested. The Team Manager/Head Coach will ask that the game clock be stopped and ask for the Tournament Director or UIC decision. Umpires cannot refuse to accept a protest when accompanied with the $100 protest fee if it is a rules protest. If it is a judgment call protest, it will not be allowed, and the umpires will resume the game. If it is a valid rule protest and the protest is upheld, the fee shall be immediately refunded. If the protest is denied, the deposit shall be forfeited. The Tournament Director or UIC decision will be final.
For teams not batting the roster: Starters may re-enter one time in their ORIGINAL batting position. Substitutes removed from a game are ineligible to return. As a courtesy, teams shall report all substitutions to the home plate umpire who will inform scorekeepers.
(EP BAT 10) The EP position shall be considered the same as any other position. Normal substitution rules apply. However, any team that begins play using an EP must maintain a 10-player line-up throughout the game.
· 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U & HS. The manager may choose to bat 9, bat 10 (using the EP), or bat the roster. All lineup choices must be declared at the plate meeting before the game.
· BATTING 9 - When batting 9, if a player is ejected, then each subsequent scheduled plate appearance by the ejected player results in an out, unless he is replaced in the lineup by a legal substitute. If no substitute is available, then the automatic out is assessed. If a player is lost due to injury or illness, during the game, then the lineup is compressed without an out being recorded (no penalty). If at any time the lineup falls below 8, either by ejection, injury or illness, the game results in a forfeit.
· EP BATTING 10 - When starting with an EP (batting 10), you MAY NOT reduce your lineup to 9. When batting 10, if a player is ejected, then each subsequent scheduled plate appearance by the ejected player results in an out, unless he is replaced in the lineup by a legal substitute. If no substitute is available, then the automatic out is assessed. If at any time the lineup falls below 8, either by ejection, injury or illness, the game results in a forfeit.
· BATTING THE ROSTER - If a player is ejected, then each subsequent scheduled plate appearance by the ejected player results in an out. If a player is lost due to injury or illness, during the game, then the lineup is compressed without an out being recorded (no penalty). When Batting the Roster, there is free defensive substitution (pitchers excluded, normal pitching rules apply). If at any time the lineup falls below 8, either by ejection, injury or illness, the game results in a forfeit.
· Special Note Regarding Teams Using Substitutes: If a team has substitutes who have already been used, the last substitute taken out may re-enter for the injured or sick player only. A burned sub may not re-enter for an ejected player.
All bats must be stamped BPF 1.15. Bats must be a baseball bat (for use with regulation baseballs). No restriction on weight or length as long as bat has "BPF 1.15" stamp. USA "Stamped" bats are legal. Wood bats are allowed.
13U Bat Rule Amendment: 13U Players must use a MAXIMUM drop 8 bat (-8). The bat must be “Stamped” with the official BPF 1.15 mark. USA “Stamped” bats are legal. Wood bats are allowed.
-5 or -3 weight/length ratio. All -5 bats must be stamped BPF 1.15. All -3 bats must be stamped BBCOR. USA "Stamped" bats are legal. Wood bats are allowed.
· MarucciCat5 MCB2 33/30 BBCOR
· NikeBT0636 CX2light grey
· DeMarini2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) WTDXCBR 2129-1729''/21 oz
· DeMarini2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) WTDXCBR 2230-1730''/22 oz
· DeMarini2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) WTDXCBR 2331-1731''/23 oz
· DeMarini2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) WTDXCBR 2432-1732''/24 oz
· DeMarini2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4'' (-10) WTDXCBZ 1929-17F129''/19 oz)
· DeMarini2017 CF Zen Zero Dark 2 3/4'' (-10) WTDXCBZ 2030-17F130''/20 oz)
· DeMarini Custom 2017 CF Zen 2 3/4'' (-10) WTDCCBZ17V
· DeMarini Custom 2017 CF Zen Balanced (-8) WTDCCBR17V
· Dirty South Kamo BB KA 8 (30/22, 31/21, 32/22, 31/23, 32/24 only)
· Easton Ghost X (30/20 only) – (USA BASEBALL MARKED) YBB18GX10 30/20
LL18GHX 30/20 Japanese
The batter is declared out; runners may not advance on a batted ball; the bat is ejected from the game; and further use of any illegal bat by any player on this team will require ejection of the player; and manager.
Metal spikes are only allowed in the 13U age groups and above. While playing on temporary mounds, metal spikes are not allowed. No metal spikes allowed in ANY batting cages or on ANY artificial turf surfaces. Teams MUST respect this rule at ALL FACILITIES. Please Note: Unity Park in Highland Village, TX DOES NOT allow cleats of any kind (molded or metal) in their cages, or pitching lanes, or soft-toss stations.
Courtesy runners for either the pitcher or catcher are optional. A courtesy runner is exactly what it says it is, A COURTESY RUNNER, not a substitution. The courtesy runner will be a player that has not been in the game. A player cannot courtesy run twice in the same inning. If no substitutes are available, the courtesy runner will be the last batted out. If the last batted out is the pitcher, catcher, or is on base, the previous batted out will be used. In the first inning, if there are no batted outs the last batter in the lineup may courtesy run. The penalty for using an ineligible courtesy runner will be an out for that runner. This is a rules infraction and a protest may be filed. The protest can be filed at any time during the violation, but any previous plays, and the results from those plays will stand if protest is filed "after the fact". When protested, and upheld, the runner shall be called out. Again, if a protest is filed after a play has occurred, the results of that play stands. Protests should be filed at the time of the infraction.
16. There will be NO warnings. All balks will be called according to NFHS Rules, which means immediate dead ball.
· 20 after one inning
· 15 after two innings
· 12 after three innings
· 10 after 4 innings
· 8 after 5 innings
A maximum of two minutes, or five warm-up pitches, will be allowed between innings with the time beginning following the third out. The umpire shall keep time. Automatic strikes may be called on offensive teams not ready and automatic balls may be called on defensive teams not ready after the umpire has directed teams to play. If an injury requires an emergency pitching change, the new pitcher will have 8 pitches maximum for warm-up (game clock will not stop, unless the injury was severe enough to require medical attention on the field).
Any manager, coach, or fan ejected from the game must leave the park and may not return for any reason until the applicable game(s) ejection limit has been served. Any player ejected from the game will serve the game of the infraction plus one. During his suspension the player can watch from the bleachers but cannot be in the dugout with the team. Under severe circumstances, the player may also be asked to leave the facility. (See Rule #9 for Penalties) Any manager or coach ejected will serve the game of the infraction plus three and the ejected manager, coach, or parent will be escorted to the park exit and will not be allowed back until the suspension has been served. Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind will not be tolerated. Mangers are responsible for the behavior of the entire team, parents included. If the ejected party then causes a scene that results in the local police department being called, the entire team may be disqualified from the event and no refunds will be issued. Profanity of any kind will result in an immediate ejection.
Malicious contact will result in the player being called out and ejected from the game (see ejections above). Obstruction will be called on the catcher if he is not providing a clear path to the plate (without the ball). If a runner makes unwarranted contact with the catcher, he will be out. If the umpire determines it was malicious, he will also be ejected. Fake tags are obstruction. Umpires will then award bases accordingly. Please Note: Malicious contact always supersedes obstruction. Runners must legally slide, or otherwise avoid contact.
A game shall be ruled as official and complete if it is called by umpires or the tournament director due to rain, inclement weather, lightning, or other reasons beyond our control, provided 3 innings have been played (2 ½ if the home team is ahead). If after 3 innings a game is being called for any reason, if the home team is not winning the score will revert back to the previous full inning. If the home team is winning, the game will be considered complete and the existing score will be final. In some cases, suspended games, regardless of innings played, may be resumed and completed. This is at the discretion of the Tournament. Tournament Directors reserve the right to decide whether to cancel or suspend a game.
· POOL PLAY-Ties are allowed in all pool games. Games are played until the time limit has been reached. If innings played has been reached and the score is tied, but time remains, then play continues until the time limit is reached (all innings, once started, must be completed). If the time limit is reached and the score is tied, then the game is recorded as a TIE, regardless of innings played.
· BRACKET PLAY-Ties are not allowed in bracket games. If innings played has been reached and the score is tied, but time remains, then play continues until the time limit is reached. If the time limit is reached (all innings, once started, must be completed), then we immediately go to the tie-breaker.
· TEXAS TIE-BREAKER-The visiting team will place the 3 players before the scheduled batter on base, just as if they were walked, and there will be one out in the inning. For example, if the game is tied 3-3 after the 5th inning is completed, and the time limit has expired, and the collective books determine that the #4 batter in the line-up is due up. The visiting team the #1 batter on third, the #2 batter on second, and the #3 batter on first, as if they were walked. There will be one out in the inning. Both teams play like this until a winner is determined.
In the event of ties between teams, winners will be decided as follows:
1) Record in Pool Play
2) Head to head with only two teams tied (with more than two teams tied, head to head is out)
3) Total runs allowed
4) Total runs scored
5) Coin flip by Tournament Director/Scheduler.
For World Series Play: There may be additional criteria based on number of teams, etc.
A maximum of four adult coaches per team are allowed on the field and in the dugouts, this includes the scorekeeper, it is not 4 adult coaches and the scorekeeper. Only two coaches are allowed outside the dugout at any time. Absolutely no glass items are allowed in the dugout or in any of the parks. Team water coolers are allowed, unless already provided by the tournament site. Teams must pick up trash and debris in the dugout prior to departure from any game. Aside from the adult coaches, no parent, or anyone associated with the team, unless approved by Tournament Director, will be allowed in the dugout or on the field. Dugouts are first come, first served.
The traditional “coin flip” has been replaced by two player captains attending the plate meeting. The two player captains shall do “Rock/Paper/Scissors”. This format will be used to decide home team in all pool games. After the tournament is broken down to bracket or seeding play, the higher seeded team (the team with the best seed) will be the Home Team.
All team warm-ups will be done in specified warm-up areas or in the outfield of a ball field. Absolutely no infield practice on any field; No pitching practice allowed on any ball field mound. There will be no infield practice allowed before a game. A coach may hit ground balls or fly balls to his players in the outfield grass behind 1st & 3rd base provided the start time of the game is not delayed.
Each team will be required to supply two new game balls each game. FOR THE WORLD SERIES ONLY: Coaches prepare for this and bring at least two dozen new baseballs. The batting team is required to shag all foul balls, home runs, etc. Baseballs will be returned at the conclusion of the game. If for some reason a ball is lost or damaged, the home team will provide the first extra ball and the visiting team will provide the next ball. If needed this rotation will continue. FOR THE WORLD SERIES ONLY: Wilson A1030's are the Preferred Baseball of the Tournament and will be for sale, by the dozen, at the Merchandise Tent during the Tournament.
Each manager must provide a written copy of their line up cards to the opposing manager and the home scorebook. The line-up card MUST have first and last names, numbers, and positions for each player listed in the line-up. The line-up cards must have substitutes listed at the bottom with first name, last name, and number. If a coach omits a player from the substitute list at the bottom of the card, they can add them at any time with no penalty. The only exception to this is if the player is put in the game to bat and is not on the line-up card the opposing manager, if he catches it, can take the choice of the result of the at bat or to declare an out. If another pitch is thrown, there can be no penalties and the player is automatically added. After the mistake is caught, the player will be added with no other penalty.
NFHS allows for three defensive conferences per game. If a pitcher is removed during a defensive conference, then that conference is not charged.
Penalty, on the first offense, if a batter squares to bunt and then swings at the pitch, (with or without baserunners), the batter is out, the runners go back to their bases, and the head coach is ejected from the game. There are no "warnings" regarding slashing.
Head Coach or catcher may direct the umpire that they want to intentionally walk a batter. No pitches need to be thrown. This is a dead ball scenario.
Tournament Director reserves the right to alter or change tournament formats. In the absence of a clearly defined rule or interpretation the Tournament Director/UIC reserves the right to restate/clarify/change a rule, which will be communicated to all team managers, and updated on the website.
Local rules may override KC&BO rules; if this happens, managers will be notified at the Coaches/Managers meeting. (For instance, Unity Park in Highland Village does not allow music of any kind to be played at their facility due to the close proximity of the fields to one another. They also do not allow cleats of any kind in their batting cages or soft toss stations, only tennis shoes.)
Any team(s) that conspire with another to determine the outcome of any game, or any team that makes a mockery of the game by intentionally failing to play to the best of its ability; or any team that intentionally, by its play, attempts to limit the score, or lose a game, which could affect other teams and standings, shall be immediately disqualified and will be prohibited from further competition in the event.
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